VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is another name for IP Telephony, Internet Telephony or Internet Calling. It is an alternative way of making phone calls that can be very cheap or completely free. The phone part is not always present anymore, as you can also choose to communicate without a telephone handset (using an application on a computer or hand-held device). In short, VOIP has a lot of advantages over traditional phone systems.
The main reason for the massive switch to VOIP technology is the cost. VOIP is a way to cut down communications costs and, at the same time, add more features to communication and interaction between employees and customers. VOIP systems are more efficient and offer better quality.
There are many ways of using VOIP technology. It all depends on where and how a person will be making the calls. It could be at home, at work, in a corporate network, while travelling or even on the beach!
VOIP can be used for free with computers and even, in some cases, with mobile and landline phones. However, when it is used to completely replace the PSTN service, then it has a price. But this price is way cheaper than standard phone calls. This becomes very exciting when you consider international calls. Some have had their communication costs on international calls reduced by 90% thanks to VOIP.
We ourselves at Synapse use VOIP on a daily basis. Our Help Desk team in Bucharest talk daily with clients around the world presenting themselves with our UK phone numbers. Clients in the UK can call knowing that it costs them no more than calling anyone else in London. For us, calls between our various worldwide locations can be made free of charge. In short, VOIP has enabled us to think far less about where we are located.
Given that we have first-hand experience of VOIP on a daily basis, why not let us assist you with your telephony needs?