At Synapse, we've been backing up our data “to the Cloud” since we began in 1998 (long before the term “the Cloud” even existed!). Given the safety and security online backup offers over traditional backup methodologies, it was one of the very first products we offered to our clients. The term for this approach is “eating your own dog food” … in short, we only offer to our clients what we, hand on heart, know works first hand.
An online backup solution offers an easy way to safeguard critical data. Thereafter it provides a simple way to restore that same critical data in the event of hard drive crashes, power surges, dropped, stolen or misplaced equipment, accidental (or malicious) deletes, and natural disasters. It also offers the advantage of securely storing (archiving) files for periods between 3 months and an infinite period of time. Data can be restored whenever the need arises – and, if necessary, to totally new hardware located absolutely anywhere on the planet.
Using SynapseBackup, anyone can efficiently backup laptops, desktops and servers (including applications like SQL and Exchange) running Windows, Mac OS, or Linux and securely replicate them to our secure, off-site remote datacenter.
What makes SynapseBackup different to many other “vault” offerings is that SynapseBackup is a fully-managed service. Each morning our engineers check the logs from the night before for all our clients' devices. We make sure that any backups scheduled during the previous 24 hours actually did take place and, if not, we're on the case – both to inform you and also to check why something prevented a backup from completing successfully. In short, you can relax … your data is safe and secure with us.